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I remember a situation when I took a vacation at home because I had to stay with my daughter when everyone flew abroad, there were two things I did in the creative space that really pleased and filled me.
I made collage stasches, in the background, I put music that I love, I cut out images from old books and created boxes of collages.
A box of people, a box of animals, a box of nature, can you Imagine how cool it was?
There was also a box of places and a box of texts.
I arranged tons of materials I have by categories. Then when I wanted to create everything was laid out in front of me.
Another thing that happened on that home vacation was that I studied ink-making techniques from all kinds of ingredients.
I really researched it thoroughly. I opened a gaming lab. I took apart markers and allowed myself to go deeper and have fun without a specific purpose.
The feeling I felt was one of wonderful freedom, I just enjoyed creating just for myself, without an explicit purpose, just being with myself for a moment, with the colors and without wanting to create something that can be shown on Facebook.
Tomorrow I’m flying to Canada and the United States for a whole month, to visit family, spend some time with my husband and also create a diary. I intend to share a lot about my trip, and give recommendations about stores and materials, in the meantime, it took me a long time to pack my art supplies and then I remembered that last year I created a fun Video about my art supplies.
Publishing this book was a difficult inner journey for me.
The first book was successful; I received strong responses and compliments. There was no book about the visual Journal in Israel, and even abroad, it was considered a very innovative and special book.
But compared to the first book, which was very accessible and simple, the second book is really about healing, it brings up my idea – how you can heal by working with color. It is not as readable and simple as the first book; it is more profound and touches even painful places.
When I created it, I felt that even though it was not an easy book for me to write, it was very important that I write it and not give up on myself. The writing process was constantly accompanied by this voice that feared that it would not be understood.
And I know that voice inside me; it’s a voice that fears that if I don’t present everything in a very simple way, then people won’t understand. This is a voice from my childhood that felt misunderstood a lot.
On the other hand, I know that healing takes time; it’s a long process to devote yourself to. This book is a profound process in which I can meet with more painful places and make an understanding of my life, who am I? What do I need to be happy?
Even in the branding process I did for the book, Benny Garmi insisted with me that it belongs to the category of art therapy, and it was hard for me to agree to it at first. But eventually, I gave in and agreed to let go of control.
It was important for me to share with you how much the process of creating a book is an emotional journey that continues even after the book is released to the world.
I hope you enjoyed this newsletter/blog
I enjoyed sharing it with you!
See you next month!
This is going to sound like an exaggeration, but it’s the truth. I got so excited after receiving Rakefet’s book that I started building a junk journaling business with my own creations. And now, just a few weeks later, I have a retail display in a local store. That’s how inspiring this book has been for me. And now it’s inspiring my students, too, in the classes I’m teaching downtown. The depth of healing knowledge in this book is incredible. For now, I just get people excited about expressing themselves and having fun. Fun can be very healing in this world today. I don’t talk about the deep, psychological benefits of art, junk and written journaling because that’s not my expertise. That’s Rakefet’s expertise, and she’s very, very good at sharing it, in person and in her book. I encourage anyone with a speck of interest in creative journaling of any kind to get this book. Get it and watch what happens to your life when your creativity is set free. Just looking at Rakefet’s art is healing, but she inspires you to make your own art, and she imparts the confidence to actually do it. Thank you, Rakefet!
There are several art journaling books out there-but this new one by Rakefet Hadar in a class by itself. I have been visual journaling since the late 90s and have taught art journaling workshops and just when I thought I have seen all there is to see- along comes this book- Her method really is an invitation to go deep into yourself. Her process is inviting and engaging. The colorful journal art of hers is on almost all the pages in the book and is a joy in itself to look at. Thank you Rakefet for creating this wonderful book.ה
This is the BEST how-to book on visual journaling I have ever read. Rakefet Hadar has obviously studied and analyzed her own journal pages and has separated her work into seven elements, or layers, that provide meaning and relativity to her daily life. She provides the story of how she learned visual journaling that is profound and yet simple enough for everyone to understand and follow her techniques to make their own powerful journal pages.
Rakefet Hadar has written an amazing introduction to art journaling. She explains the wonderful process of art journaling and how it can bring deeper meaning and awakenings to our lives. It is very well written, translated from Hebrew to English in this version. Her colorful journal spread draw you into the her work. She explains techniques and processes here as well. I loved this book, Congratulations Rakefet!הם.
Exactly four years ago, my first book “Layers of Meaning” came out!
The book was a great success both in Israel and abroad… and brought to many women the magic of the seven elements of the visual journal.
The elements are: intention, ,magical coincidence, background, image, color, text and line. Over the past years I realized how deep the elements are and how much they influence our lives. Out of the seven elements it turned out that color, image and text are the three elements that really allow the magic to happen.
Following the investigation and the prolonged work in the my journal, the annual course was born – the Color Archetypes, which led an in-depth process of working on colors, archetypes and intuitive writing.
Over 200 women have participated in the Color Archetypes course in recent years and allowed a new method to be born.
Thanks to these special women and thanks to the power of the archetypal work in color combination – my second book was born – Color Archetypes
The book was published this week on Amazon and is waiting to reach everyone who loves color and wants to explore the archetypes that accompany our lives through colors.
But above all, the real quality of the book lies in the works of art you can see in it – created by Rakfat Hadar and her students and the inspiration to start your own art based on the processes that are suggested on the book.
These works of art enable frequencies of healing and inner connection to a deep creation.
This is a spectacular art book that combines inspiration for nine development and creation lessons using the “SoulPages” method while focusing on the journey we went through during our childhood and the archetypes that influence our lives.
The act of making art is a therapeutic process that can help you communicate and visualize your own unique path towards happiness. However, just as there are many roads to the same destination, no one can tell you what your roadmap to happiness looks like. You have to paint it first.
A companion to Rakefet Hadar’s Layers of Meaning method, Color Archetypes is a one-of-a-kind art therapy guide and workbook for both patients and therapists. Using its fresh and colorful prompts, you too can create your own visual “roadmap” at any given moment while understanding the emotions associated with different colors.
This is going to sound like an exaggeration, but it’s the truth. I got so excited after receiving Rakefet’s book that I started building a junk journaling business with my own creations. And now, just a few weeks later, I have a retail display in a local store. That’s how inspiring this book has been for me. And now it’s inspiring my students, too, in the classes I’m teaching downtown. The depth of healing knowledge in this book is incredible. For now, I just get people excited about expressing themselves and having fun. Fun can be very healing in this world today. I don’t talk about the deep, psychological benefits of art, junk and written journaling because that’s not my expertise. That’s Rakefet’s expertise, and she’s very, very good at sharing it, in person and in her book. I encourage anyone with a speck of interest in creative journaling of any kind to get this book. Get it and watch what happens to your life when your creativity is set free. Just looking at Rakefet’s art is healing, but she inspires you to make your own art, and she imparts the confidence to actually do it. Thank you, Rakefet!
There are several art journaling books out there-but this new one by Rakefet Hadar in a class by itself. I have been visual journaling since the late 90s and have taught art journaling workshops and just when I thought I have seen all there is to see- along comes this book- Her method really is an invitation to go deep into yourself. Her process is inviting and engaging. The colorful journal art of hers is on almost all the pages in the book and is a joy in itself to look at. Thank you Rakefet for creating this wonderful book.ה
This is the BEST how-to book on visual journaling I have ever read. Rakefet Hadar has obviously studied and analyzed her own journal pages and has separated her work into seven elements, or layers, that provide meaning and relativity to her daily life. She provides the story of how she learned visual journaling that is profound and yet simple enough for everyone to understand and follow her techniques to make their own powerful journal pages.
Rakefet Hadar has written an amazing introduction to art journaling. She explains the wonderful process of art journaling and how it can bring deeper meaning and awakenings to our lives. It is very well written, translated from Hebrew to English in this version. Her colorful journal spread draw you into the her work. She explains techniques and processes here as well. I loved this book, Congratulations Rakefet!הם.
I want to start with a personal explanation-what is shamanism for me?
For me, shamanism is magic, and it is giving consent to live out of awareness that the world is magical and mysterious. This openness allowed me to see things I would not have noticed before.
Shamanic Journeying is one of the techniques that has led to my healing, and I use it regularly in my life combined with working in the visual diary.
Historical background
Shamanism is the background, the beginning of all religions. Although it preceded religions, in ancient times, from Siberia, Japan, China, Indonesia, America, and South America, Europe (England and Ireland – the Celts, Finland), every new culture had a shamanic base. In some countries, shamanic rituals are no longer practiced today, and in some tribes, shamanic traditions still exist and go back many generations.
Shamanism is, in fact, the cultural heritage of all the peoples of the world. Shamanism developed in tribal societies, and its basis is the creation of a connection between man and the universe around him.
The main idea is that man is part of nature, part of the forces of nature, animals, spirits. He is part of the universe, and as such, he communicates with them and tries to achieve blessing, healing. The ancient man recognized that there were energetic forces in the universe that could not be seen. Still, while trying to exist in the universe and survive, he developed unique connections with spirits, guides, and beings. Messages received by the ancient shaman helped his tribe survive.
Ancient traditional shamanism depended on culture. The shaman would set out on journeys in the hidden worlds. He would undergo a difficult initiation usually accompanied by fasting, physical training, drug smoking, or drinking, which caused hallucinations. He was accompanied by an adult shaman guiding him in the beginning.
The shaman and his role
A shaman is a person, man, or woman who can enter into alternative states of consciousness at will and wander in his spirit between our world and other worlds to find healing, knowledge, guidance and help for himself and others. The meaning of the word shaman – is The one who sees.
In ancient times only the chosen shaman could perform ceremonies. Being a shaman means being selected by the spirits and being responsible for the mental and physical health of the tribe. The shaman was a doctor, healer, psychologist, counselor, judge and more.
The role of shaman began to split and was eventually transferred to many functionaries such as priests, storytellers, judges, fortune tellers, healers, etc.
Shamanism is a spiritual and tribal art that has somehow survived to our time and I believe the shamanic techniques have endured because of their usefulness. The methods that have worked are the ones that have been preserved and evolved. This philosophy of small and cumulative successes is central to shamanism. The main idea is to maintain an uplifting spirit, positivity, comfort, and hope. Positive emotions are the ones that push us up to success, while negative emotions are contagious and downward.
For the past fifty years, anthropologists have documented shamanic societies around the world.
Michael Harner is the most famous of them, and he wrote the book – The Way of the Shaman.
He studied with his fellow Indians in the Amazon, and he died a few years ago.
Michael Harner is the one who brought shamanism to the West, and he calls his way – neo-shamanism. I attended Michael Harner’s school in England and Canada.
Neo Shamanism
Shamanism reveals to us the hidden, unspoken text that directs our lives, and it shows us connections and insights in a way that no other means allows. We can learn to recognize messages and reach directly to the source of the soul-the same essence is unclear to us, but it is what navigates our lives, sometimes against the will of the conscious ego.
In shamanic Journeying, one can learn about that hidden world, the same spiritual reality that surrounds us and connects with our soul.
Neo-shamanism is not meant to draw us to the world of spirituality; on the contrary, the techniques we learn are beneficial to ground us in our daily world of reality. Bringing healing and great comfort and hope and most of all – this is a way to get to know ourselves creatively.
The perception of neo-shamanism is that anyone can make journeys for themselves without the need for an outsider. According to this concept, we learn ancient techniques and apply them to our daily lives. Neo-schism is a cultural and open system. Thanks to the Internet and globalism, we have access to endless systems of symbols, we can meet in our journeys: angels, fairies, Christian saints, Buddhist or Chinese sages, Native American Indians, cartoon characters, animals, trees, stones, talking objects … the possibilities are limitless
The Shamanic Journey
The shamanic worlds are like a hidden cosmic fabric parallel to physical reality. We are all aware of metaphysical phenomena like synchronicity, intuition, telepathy, strange feelings, or messages we feel we have received from the universe in different ways, most often through dreams or coincidences.
The shamanic universe consists of three main worlds: the earth-middle world, upper world, and lower world.
The shamanic universe is like the tree of life in Kabbalah: the treetops represent the upper world, the tree trunk the middle world, and the tree roots- the lower world.
In each of us there are hidden archetypes of places in the world, places that have a special energy for our soul.
Every such place has within it “treasures” which awaken our psyche and make us feel connected to that place, connected to the nature that surrounds us.
We become part of something bigger than ourselves. We no longer feel lonely
In this visualization, we will embark on a journey to the underworld to get to know our inner place of healing
I’m waiting to see your work in the Facebook group!
I’m so thrilled to invite you to a live Facebook session to learn about next year’s program and share in meditation with me. Attendees will receive an exclusive discount to the next SoulPages Mentor Training.
SoulPages Mentors have discovered how to access internal resources for healing and growth through the SoulPages method. The SoulPages Mentor Training will prepare you to:
Who am I?
What is my purpose?
What will make me happy?
Ever since I can remember, I’ve asked myself these three questions, and my life journey reflects the persistent search for answers.
This search has led me on various paths; it led me to meet my first husband, a move to England, divorce, meeting the love of my life, the birth of my four children, studying theater design, art therapy, and finally to developing the amazing tool for healing and growth through creating – the visual journal.
In my first book Layers of Meaning – Elements of Visual Journaling, I described the seven elements of visual journaling. I showed how to connect the seven elements to various spiritual methods, such as shamanic journeys, Voice Dialogue, and others, and working with intention – through the seven elements, to create “soul pages” that enable healing and transformation.
But my search for meaning never stopped… it only became more interesting.
In the last two years, I started to create meditation art using the elements of intention and color.
I felt that color has a special force that is mysterious and uplifting.
Slowly I started to combine shamanic ideas and the theory of color to create a frame for self-exploration through colors.
I taught the Color Archetypes course for two years in Israel and I felt that this is its time to go out there to the world.
We learned about the Color Archetype method and created our Childhood color maps. This is a great tool to start and understand your art and get insight from the a
If you want to watch the replay you can do it on my blog here