Color Archetypes- Creating our childhood color map!
We started this course with a live event in April 16th.
You can access this for free when you register to the site.
In this event, I shared with you my new method
Color Archetypes
Color archetypes is a spiritual-artistic method to identify and understand the source of energies available to us from the day we were born – core energy, connection energy, and spiritual energy.
These three energies, inherent parts of us, navigate and shape our lives. Understanding them will help us live better, happier, and more fulfilling lives.
When we know and recognize these energies, we can learn to balance them and achieve an energetic state of tranquility, creativity, and happiness. This state touches our higher spirit, or self-archetype.
In this course we will learn to map the energies inside us through the color map, working with archetypes, shamanic meditations, and creating a visual journal.
We will learn about the childhood color energy map, a fascinating process that we can use over and over to heal childhood wounds and transition toward the life that we want to create for ourselves.
Materials that I used in the Live event
- Watercolor paper
- Watercolors
- White/black pen
- Glue/scissors
- Acrylics/posca markers
- Images from old books/magazines
- Any material that you have at home