Try one of these transformational courses

Each and every one of us is born with the built-in ability to change our lives and connect to the energies of health, love, the joy of life, and creativity.
In this course, we will learn the tool of a color capsule that will connect us to the power of fulfillment of the primary colors and their ability to change our lives.

watercolor journaling for beginners

I’m very honored to announce the opening of the International mentor training in my method of “SoulPages Journaling”.

This is an online live course of 30 full lessons during 9 months of training.

All the lessons are recorded and kept for another full year after the course is finished.

Color archetypes is a spiritual-artistic method to identify and understand the source of energies available to us from the day we were born – core energy, connection energy, and spiritual energy.

These three energies, inherent parts of us, navigate and shape our lives. Understanding them will help us live better, happier, and more fulfilling lives.

Art Journaling is an art activity within a personal journal. Another name for this activity can be Visual journaling, art diary etc.

For many years, artists have developed their artistic ideas in a journal and called this a sketchbook. Creating in a format of a journal has begun to develop as another language of art that anyone can do, without learning any complicated techniques, in the last thirty years.

Some artists in the United States and Europe have begun to teach the unique way they create within a diary to allow freedom, creativity and un judgmatical behaviour.

Soul Pages is a special method of visual-art journaling that I developed in the last 8 years and its main idea is the focus of our inner development and the connection to the archetype of the inner artist.

Art Journaling basic concepts

  • The use of mix media techniques – any combination of materials and techniques is acceptable
  • It’s not about the outcome- the process itself is important.
  • It’s a form of self-care art so usually it incorporates writing
  • We use meditative techniques such as doodling and collage
  • We create in a bound journal
  • We use layers of different materials and techniques that expose different meanings
  • We can use prompts to create meaning in our spread
  • Freedom, joy and play
  • There are lots of different approaches of teaching, but usually they either teach art techniques or teach transformation.

About my method- SoulPages journaling

I developed SoulPages journaling method in order to allow for self-care, transformation, joy, playfulness and also cultivating our inner artist.

SoulPages is based on seven elements: Intention, Magical coincidence, background, image, color, line & text. You can learn more about the elements in my book “Elements of visual Journaling”

You can learn more about  SoulPages journaling in my short courses.

Or join my in-depth facilitator training and transform your life.

SoulPages facilitator training is the only mentoring programme in the world that actually teaches how to become a group facilitator with the amazing tool of the visual journal.

In this one year programme you can become an independent artist that creates freely in your bounded journals.

You will learn how to create endless art processes that are healing and also artistic.

art journaling for beginners

There are lots of art journaling for beginners classes and tutorials online but what is most important to understand is that beginners’ minds are an essential part of art journaling.

A beginner’s mind is a state of constant surprise and creativity where you feel that everything is new, fresh, and exciting.

So when you are looking for art journaling for beginners, you need information about the materials and techniques that will help you start an art journaling practice.

In SoulPages Journaling- creating the art journal from scratch is an amazing intention process- You can create a vessel for all your hopes and dreams.

After the art journal is created, you can start exploring materials and techniques that you like.

In my first years, I was so excited to discover that you can use any combination of materials. I felt like an explorer and it was an amazing feeling of being a child in a candy shop.

Try to look for materials that allow for magical coincidence. These are techniques that bring results that we have no control over.

The book “Layers of Meaning” by Rakefet Hadar is the perfect book when you are looking for art journaling for beginners’ ideas.

art journaling for beginners-ideas to get you started

When you want to start creating a visual journal, you can concentrate on the different elements of visual journaling as described in my journaling method SoulPages journaling.

here you can get a few ideas to get you started

  • Intention– create your art journal from a cover of an old book or by using a Coptic stitch binding.
  • Magical coincidence– start exploring new materials and techniques such as jelly plate, ink, tea bags, marbelling, etc.
  • Background– prepare a few simple backgrounds on your journal pages. use watercolor, acrylic, collage simple torn pieces of paper.
  • Image– glue some images on your pages.
  • color– add color to connect the images
  • line– add some lines to give depth to your images and make them yours.
  • text– give a name to the art that you created.

Finally, all you need is to embrace your inner child and start creating

The seven elements of visual journaling can help you start journaling on your own. If you want to try a free tutorial you can press here:

The red violin

more art journaling for beginners classes are available in my online courses: The HomeBook.

And also in the Memory Pocket course, that demonstrates how I work with the 7 elements.

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