So excited to share that after a very long wait- my book is finally on the shops in the US, the UK and probably other countries ..I was so thrilled to finf the new edition in
Barnes &Noble in corfull and beautiful!
You can also order it from Book Depository
and probably many other shops..
The visual journal is a simple handbound notebook in which to create, using mixed media language techniques, works that serve as an expression of the soul and create a path to healing, internal freedom and the sparkling of passion.
“Visual journey journaling” is an innovating artistic language made up of seven elements: Intention, Magical coincidence, Background, Images ,lines, Color, and Text. Visual Journey journaling (VJJ) invites you to a fascinating world where you will reconnect with the inner artist hidden in each and every one of us, and allow you to create Soul Pages using simple techniques and subtle guidelines to take a look inside yourself.
In the 1st chapter of the book you will learn how to master these 7 elements in your journal. There are many fun exercises and a step by step tutorial of how to saw a simpe journal.
In the 2nd chapter you will learn how to make a “soul page” in a step by step process with the 7 elements.
The 3rd and last part of the book is an opportunity to see Rakefet Hadar private art journal pages in full size and read her stories behind them.
When I dreamed of publishing a book ,few years ago… I didn’t realized how much hard work it would be and how many great people will be involved in making my dream come true.
To write it was the easy part… than I had to find the publisher who was willing to hear my crazy ideas about the graphics.
Than-thinking of Amazon- I was sure it will be so easy… I planned to make a digital version of it, until I understood it will reduce the quality of my art work…because most of my spreads are horizontal (2 pages) and in digital you read the book page by page..
Even to download it as a print on demand – was difficult because it was full of graphics and so heavy. it took ages until we manage to get approval.
But finally it is here and I wanted to share with you the full cover which is made of two different spreads.
These are 2 of my most precious spreads… the deer is my power animal and it symbolizes an inner home, the home of our imagination and creativity, each of us has it inside, we just have to look for it.
The castle is the symbol of the soul and the path to find your true destiny, you true volition. I believe that art journaling is one of the greatest tools to find meaning in life.
And finally, I really want to thank “The green man” for taking this project and spending hours and hours thinking on every small detail. And “Nottsa” publishers who made the English version and were so patience and professional!
Mia Sherwood Landau
This art journaling book rocked my world!
This is going to sound like an exaggeration, but it’s the truth. I got so excited after receiving Rakefet’s book that I started building a junk journaling business with my own creations. And now, just a few weeks later, I have a retail display in a local store. That’s how inspiring this book has been for me. And now it’s inspiring my students, too, in the classes I’m teaching downtown. The depth of healing knowledge in this book is incredible. For now, I just get people excited about expressing themselves and having fun. Fun can be very healing in this world today. I don’t talk about the deep, psychological benefits of art, junk and written journaling because that’s not my expertise. That’s Rakefet’s expertise, and she’s very, very good at sharing it, in person and in her book. I encourage anyone with a speck of interest in creative journaling of any kind to get this book. Get it and watch what happens to your life when your creativity is set free. Just looking at Rakefet’s art is healing, but she inspires you to make your own art, and she imparts the confidence to actually do it. Thank you, Rakefet!
Terry D. Garret
There are several art journaling books out there-but this new one by Rakefet Hadar in a class by itself. I have been visual journaling since the late 90s and have taught art journaling workshops and just when I thought I have seen all there is to see- along comes this book- Her method really is an invitation to go deep into yourself. Her process is inviting and engaging. The colorful journal art of hers is on almost all the pages in the book and is a joy in itself to look at. Thank you Rakefet for creating this wonderful book.ה
Amazon review
This is the BEST how-to book on visual journaling I have ever read. Rakefet Hadar has obviously studied and analyzed her own journal pages and has separated her work into seven elements, or layers, that provide meaning and relativity to her daily life. She provides the story of how she learned visual journaling that is profound and yet simple enough for everyone to understand and follow her techniques to make their own powerful journal pages.
Brian Kasstle
An amazing art journaling book!
Rakefet Hadar has written an amazing introduction to art journaling. She explains the wonderful process of art journaling and how it can bring deeper meaning and awakenings to our lives. It is very well written, translated from Hebrew to English in this version. Her colorful journal spread draw you into the her work. She explains techniques and processes here as well. I loved this book, Congratulations Rakefet!הם.