Art is the ancient language of the soul, hiding inside, waiting to be revealed

Join me and learn how to “talk” art

The Visual Journal

SoulPages™ Method

 The Visual Journal is a powerful tool that connects to a place of healing and transformation, that helps us self-educate about different materials and work with a variety of techniques of mixed media – all in the format of a journal.

The Binding of the Journal, the work inside it thereafter, the gentle guidance of a trustworthy instructor – allow us to go through processes of growth and healing, and even light up a spark of joy and passion.

I developed the SoulPages™ method to let you reconnect with parts of you that dream and fulfill, parts of you that are joyous.

Join one of my digital courses, in-person workshops, or one of my trips around the world. We’ll set out on a journey in the magical world of Visual Journaling.

Join me in one of digital course, we will journey to the magical world of visual journal.

Join my mailing list and you will get a free mini course

“Creating your color map of childhood”

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How can you learn SoulPages journaling?

Artistic Soul Route

If you love art self-healing and personal development- you can enjoy many courses on the Artistic Soul Route. Start creating your SoulPages™ through different modalities: Family constellation, Color Archetypes, Manifestation mantras, shamanic Journeys, and more.

SP Reatreats

 Traveling with SoulPages is an amazing experience.In the last 7 years I travelled in Greece,London, Italy, India, Maroko, Costa Rica, Mexico and more. Come and Join me  in a life changing experience with an amazing group of ladies.

SoulPages Professional Route

Become your own Facilitator/mentor and learn how to pass on your life insights with the SoulPages™ method. This Training can change your life! The professional courses are a great way to connect with your inner artist and create new opportunities to work with clients and small groups.

SoulPages books

 “Layers of Meaning”  and “Color Archetypes” gathers all the information about the seven elements of visual journaling.Both of the books allow for depper understanding of the method. Plus you could start creating today!!

We are all born artists

  Hi ! my name is Rakefet Hadar

We are all born artists

Eight years ago, I discovered the Visual Journal and it changed my life, it brought so much joy and reconnected me to an abyss of creativity that had been waiting to be revealed!

I developed the SoulPages™ method to help as many people as possible encounter the power of creation, to reconnect with their passion, joy, and healing strengths.

My method is built upon seven simple elements: Intention, Magical coincidence, Background, Image, Color, Line, and Text.

From the Blog

A Drop of Fire By Deandra

A Drop of Fire By Deandra

A Drop of Fire Workshop  We will dive into the waters of our Unconscious and spark the fires of inspiration to awaken our intuition. Through a combination of oracle cards, writing exercises, and SoulPages art journaling, we will embark on a journey of self-discovery...

The Power of Light By Dorothy Mackintosh

The Power of Light By Dorothy Mackintosh

THE POWER OF LIGHT Create your unique illuminated path Embark on a journey to create and illuminate your unique path, facilitating the discovery of your supports, which include those special people and activities that help you to feel strong and capable. Life often...

Small Gifts of Hope!- I’m a speaker in the Zen Stitching Summit!

Small Gifts of Hope!- I’m a speaker in the Zen Stitching Summit!

Small Gift of Hope- Full Worksheet Free download!!Hi, my name is Rakefet Hadar. I'm an artist, art therapist and founder of the  Soulpages® method of visual journaling SoulPages® is a simple, self care, visual journaling method that is built on seven elements and the...

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