Try one of these transformational courses
Each and every one of us is born with the built-in ability to change our lives and connect to the energies of health, love, the joy of life, and creativity.
In this course, we will learn the tool of a color capsule that will connect us to the power of fulfillment of the primary colors and their ability to change our lives.
I’m very honored to announce the opening of the International mentor training in my method of “SoulPages Journaling”.
This is an online live course of 30 full lessons during 9 months of training.
All the lessons are recorded and kept for another full year after the course is finished.
Color archetypes is a spiritual-artistic method to identify and understand the source of energies available to us from the day we were born – core energy, connection energy, and spiritual energy.
These three energies, inherent parts of us, navigate and shape our lives. Understanding them will help us live better, happier, and more fulfilling lives.
Mixed media art journal is another name for the visual journal or art journal.
In the visual journal, we use lots of mixed media techniques and materials to create a spread, which is a full page in our journal.
Mixed media is a new form of artistic language that allows total freedom to mix and match different materials and mediums.
Picasso is considered the first artist who used paper, cloth, paint, and rope to create a pseudo-3D effect on his canvasses.
There are different types of mixed media art: collage, assemblage, and altered books.
In the last 30 years, many people discovered how everyone could be an artist only by using a combination of materials.
For example- you can use watercolors as background, then glue thorn collage images, and then use acrylic colors to connect all the parts of the collage.
This approach wasn’t possible in the past; every artist focused on one primary medium and learned all the techniques to be great in this medium.
My method SoulPages is based on mixed media art, and you can see lots of samples on my site.

Mixed media art journal- why is it good for you?
- Freedom of using any material and technique that you like
- Exploring new materials allows you to connect with your inner artist.
- You don’t have to be a professional artist to create beautiful art.
- Just play! Any combination of materials and techniques can create stunning pages.
- Using a visual journal is a great way to explore endless possibilities of materials combinations.
- Different materials have a unique effect on our psyche, and it’s a great way to explore them in your visual journal
- The wealth of materials to use in your journal creates a feeling of wonder and excitement.
- Mixed media art journal is one of the best ways to connect with yourself and get insights.
How can you develop your mixed media skills?
In every lesson I teach, I incorporate lots of different materials and techniques and the internal process of growth and development.
I would love to invite you to join one of my online courses, where you can learn to create stunning pages with lots of mixed media techniques.
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