Who am I?
What is my purpose?
What will make me happy?
Ever since I can remember, I’ve asked myself these three questions, and my life journey reflects the persistent search for answers.
This search has led me on various paths; it led me to meet my first husband, a move to England, divorce, meeting the love of my life, the birth of my four children, studying theater design, art therapy, and finally to developing the amazing tool for healing and growth through creating – the visual journal.
In my first book Layers of Meaning – Elements of Visual Journaling, I described the seven elements of visual journaling. I showed how to connect the seven elements to various spiritual methods, such as shamanic journeys, Voice Dialogue, and others, and working with intention – through the seven elements, to create “soul pages” that enable healing and transformation.
But my search for meaning never stopped… it only became more interesting.
In the last two years, I started to create meditation art using the elements of intention and color.
I felt that color has a special force that is mysterious and uplifting.
Slowly I started to combine shamanic ideas and the theory of color to create a frame for self-exploration through colors.
I taught the Color Archetypes course for two years in Israel and I felt that this is its time to go out there to the world.
I’m really happy to invite you to watch the first lesson ( a replay of an amazing live zoom event)
Creating our childhood color energy map
We learned about the Color Archetype method and created our Childhood color maps. This is a great tool to start and understand your art and get insight from the a
If you want to watch the replay you can do it on my blog here
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