Try one of these transformational courses

Each and every one of us is born with the built-in ability to change our lives and connect to the energies of health, love, the joy of life, and creativity.
In this course, we will learn the tool of a color capsule that will connect us to the power of fulfillment of the primary colors and their ability to change our lives.

watercolor journaling for beginners

I’m very honored to announce the opening of the International mentor training in my method of “SoulPages Journaling”.

This is an online live course of 30 full lessons during 9 months of training.

All the lessons are recorded and kept for another full year after the course is finished.

Color archetypes is a spiritual-artistic method to identify and understand the source of energies available to us from the day we were born – core energy, connection energy, and spiritual energy.

These three energies, inherent parts of us, navigate and shape our lives. Understanding them will help us live better, happier, and more fulfilling lives.

The visual journal can be a valuable tool for art therapists, but they have to learn how to use it in a healing and therapeutic way.

As an art therapist, I discovered the visual journal as one of the tools bit I couldn’t find any straightforward suggestions on how to use it in therapy sessions.

I started to work in a journal in 2013 to heal myself, and I used it for a whole year when my mother was dying of cancer.

I developed my method, “SoulPages,” to spread the visual journal as a transformative tool. Still, I got many questions about the benefits of using the visual journal as a therapeutic tool in private sessions of art therapists.

In this article, I want to explain how art therapists can use visual journals in private sessions.

I will use the term art therapy journal to define it from the visual journal.

Any art therapist can work with the visual journal according to the seven elements: Intention, background, images, color, line, text and magical coincidence.

you can read more about the elements in this blog post

SoulPages Journaling and the seven elements

how to use art therapy journal

  • As a therapist, you can suggest the journal to your client as a medium to work in during the sessions
  • You can create the journal from scratch and use thick paper that allows for mixed media materials and techniques.
  • Use the seven elements as layers to create a meaningful spread.
  • Start with Intention and ask your client to tell you his/her story.
  • After the story, let your client prepare a background in any techniques that you think are appropriate for the story.
  • Apply images that symbolize parts or people in your client’s life
  • connect the images with colors and lines.
  • Ask your client to add words that summarize what he feels right now.
  • When the client finishes the work, you can try and get some insights and discover the magical coincidences in the artwork.
  • After a few sessions, you will start discovering art and symbolic language that is typical to your client.
  • Let your client take the art therapy journal home so he/she can continue working on it in between sessions.

Art therapy journal VS visual journal

Only certified art therapists should create an art therapy journal with their clients because this tool is powerful, and it is advisable to do it in the presence of an art therapist.

Processes like transference, countertransference, and projection could occur within the art journal, and the therapist has to be qualified to stand difficult emotions.

This type of art journal can be created in private or group therapy.

A visual journal is a tool that anyone can use, either by himself or with a facilitator’s guidance.

I developed SoulPages as a method of visual journaling that is not an art therapy but is a method that can help people connect with their inner forces and discover their internal symbolic art language.

In SoulPages, you can learn how to facilitate groups and people in creating a safe space to discover their true potential.

In the last eight years since I started teaching the SoulPages facilitator course, I discovered that around 40% of the facilitators are art therapists looking to learn more about this amazing tool.

If you want to read more about this method you can try here

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