Courses in category
Visual Journaling
Here you can Find all the visual Journaling Courses by Rakefet Hadar and collaborations.
A visual journal is a tool that helps us learn the language of meaning in our lives. Through journaling, we discover ourselves and find ways to get closer to our inner self and understand what is important to us.
Intention, magical coincidence, background, image, line, color, and text – these are the seven elements of the visual journey journaling method.
The red violin
The Red Violin is a mini course that explains my method of working with the seven elements of Visual journaling
Intention, Magical coincidence, Background, Images, Lines, Colors & Text.
Learn how to combine them to create meaningful Spreads in your art Journal.
Memory Pockets
In “memory pockets” we will explore how we can look into our memories and create a safe space for them, a “memory pocket”. In that safe space it will be possible to separate ourselves from other people’s influence and create a new story which reflects our true self.
The HomeBook
Children books are magical objects that have the power to connect us to our most precious memories, insights, and powers.
In this course I will teach you my special way of altering a children book with questions, meditative writing, mix media techniques and my special method of parallel journaling.