The Color Map of Childhood
Free on registration
This course is free but requires website registration.
Please fill out the form and register for the course
Color archetypes is a spiritual-artistic path within the SoulPages method.
Its aim is to identify and understand the source of energies available to us from the day we were born – core energy, connection energy, and spiritual energy.
These primary energies, inherent parts of us, navigate and shape our lives. Understanding them through color theory, will help us live better, happier, and more fulfilling lives.
When we know and recognize our primary colors, we can learn to balance our energies and achieve an energetic state of tranquility, creativity, and happiness. This state touches our higher spirit, or self-archetype.
In this course, you will create your color map of childhood and you will discover your path to heal your life.
If you wish to continue the journey please join the Color Archetypes course.
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About me
We are all born artists
My name is Rakefet Hadar.
I developed “SoulPages” method to help as many people as possible encounter the power of creation, to reconnect with their passion, joy and healing strengths.
My method is built upon seven simple elements – Intention, Magical coincidence, Background, Image, Color, Line, and Text.
I teach my method in different ways: through trips I organize, online courses and frontal face-to-face workshops. I also published the book “Layers of Meaning” which consolidates all my knowledge, many exercises, and pieces from my own private journal.
In 2015 I started to teach the SoulPages Mentor course of my method and since then more than 100 graduates started to work and teach my method in Israel and worldwide.
Color is the main element in the SoulPages method. IThis year, for the first time!! you will be able to become a Color Archetype coacher!! and help your clients and yourself archive healing and creativity.
This course is the Level 1- certificate of the SoulPages Mentor course, when you graduate you will be able to continue to the full certification ..
Always remember-We are all born as artists!!