SoulCircle Community Presents:
A Free Live Event
Summer Celebration: The Seven Elements
Saturday, June 10
20:00 Israel
10:00 a.m. PDT (LA time zone)
*There will be a replay for everyone who signs up!

Embrace the Abundance of Summer:
Join Us for a SoulCircle Celebration!
As the sun radiates warmth and nature flourishes in its full glory, Summer invites us to revel in the abundance that surrounds us. It’s a season of both productivity and leisurely siestas, where we find balance between work and relaxation under the nurturing sun.
For SoulCircle members, Summer becomes an opportune time for personal growth, deepening relationships, and boosting self-confidence. Through engaging and uplifting lessons, you’ll discover what truly resonates with your soul, igniting your passions and nurturing your joy. Like young birds learning to fly, we’ll play freely in our journals, allowing ourselves to spread our wings and embark on a meaningful journey of self-inquiry and growth. And to add to the excitement, we’ll also share tips and tricks for journaling with the seven elements!!
Join us in this free event where you’ll have the chance to meet the inspiring teachers of SoulCircle: Rakefet, Pam, and Iris. Together with Iris, we’ll create a beautiful spread that will become a vessel for your summer memories and reflections.
During this celebration, we’ll introduce you to the transformative Wheel of Time course and you will get inclusive Bonuses.
Get ready for a vibrant Summer celebration filled with freedom, fun, and the beauty of nature. Join us as we come together to embrace the abundance of the season and embark on a journey of self-discovery and creative expression.
Save the date and mark your calendar for this beautiful Summer celebration!
Let’s make this Summer one to remember, filled with growth, inspiration, and the magic of SoulCircle!
When & Where?
Saturday, June 10, 2023
To join the free live event, please fill in your details to receive all the info for the Facebook/Zoom event.
The event will be held live on Zoom.
*There will be a replay for everyone who signs up!
We will make a mini journal that is all about flying with birds, a symbol of changes and opportunities
Materials we will use ( you can use whatever you have at home)
2 pages of watercolors or a journal
Watercolors, brush,
Scraps of colorful and B&W text from magazines, books
Images that you love
Glue, scissors
Posca markers
Pilot/ black pen
About me
Eight years ago, I discovered the Visual Journal and it changed my life. It brought me so much joy and reconnected me to a well of creativity that had been waiting to be revealed.
I developed the “Soul Pages” method to help as many people as possible encounter the power of creation, to reconnect with their passion, joy and healing strengths.
My method is built upon seven simple elements: Intention, Magical Coincidence, Background, Image, Color, Line, and Text.
I teach my method in different ways: through trips I organize, online courses, and face-to-face workshops. I’ve also published the book Layers of Meaning, which consolidates all my knowledge, numerous practical exercises, and pieces from my own private journal.
I invite you to join me on a journey in the visual journal!
The Visual Journal
A visual journal is a powerful tool that connects us to a place of healing and transformation. It helps us self-educate about different materials and work with a variety of mixed media techniques—all in the format of a journal.
The binding of the journal, the work inside it thereafter, and the gentle guidance of a trustworthy instructor allow us to go through processes of growth and healing, and can even light up a spark of joy and passion.
I developed the SoulPages™ method to help you reconnect with parts of you that dream and reinvigorate the parts of you that hold joy.
Join one of my digital courses, facilitator course, or my blog. We’ll set out on a journey in the magical world of visual journaling.
What is visual journaling for me
Orly Elad
Art instructor
The Visual Journey is my private medium of self-expression, self-experimentation, the most powerful place to heal and fulfill.
In my journal, I have a place to create without judgment, to bring out any inner thought or feeling. To give my hand freedom, to lead the blotches of colors and lines, to pick the colors. And many times, to receive answers to the questions: “Who am I? What is my problem?”
It is simply a direct passage to my soul.
Ifat Zeevi
Social worker
To me, a Visual Journal is a place to let my soul rest, especially when it’s shy or anxious. It is a place to play, to experiment, and to express childlike parts of myself. It has helped me greatly in the past year and has given me another language in which I can be, experiment, and discover.
To join the free live event please fill in your details to receive all the info for the Facebook/Zoom event.
*There will be a replay for everyone who signs-up!