SoulPages School

Become a SoulPages® Facilitator

Ignite Your Soul’s Journey!

Open event Sunday

July 7th at 1 pm NY (EST)

Ignite Your Soul’s Journey: Embrace a Career Change with SoulPages® Facilitator Training!

Imagine a life where you wake up every morning feeling inspired and fulfilled, knowing that you are making a profound impact on the lives of others.

As a SoulPages® facilitator, you have the power to unlock your inner wisdom and transform lives.

Connect with Your Intuition and Redefine Your Life's Purpose: Start Your Transformational Journey as a SoulPages® Facilitator!

Through our comprehensive training program, you will delve into the depths of your own soul, connecting with your intuition and unleashing your creative potential. You will learn the transformative power of the SoulPages tools, including the seven elements, which will guide you in guiding others on their own healing journeys.

This is your opportunity to redefine your life’s purpose, to connect with your deepest calling, and to find fulfillment in helping others.

The SoulPages™ facilitator program is your pathway to a life of purpose, joy, and the satisfaction of knowing that you are making a positive difference in the world. Take the leap, embrace your soul’s journey, and become a SoulPages facilitator today. Your transformation awaits.

Rakefet Hadar, Founder of SoulPages®

Do you want to join our open event and share a meditation with me?

To join the open event where you will learn more about the Training and meet me and the other teachers, please fill in your details to receive all the info.

*The event will be on

 Sunday, July 7th at 13pm NY

You are also invited to join my English Facebook group where you can share your art, ask questions and be part of a thriving community.
A mindful art therapy journal is the first stage toward healing your childhood wounds

About The SoulPages® Method

The SoulPages® method is a transformative practice that nurtures our health and happiness.

By engaging with the seven elements of SoulPages®, we delve into self-exploration and personal growth. Through art, journaling, and intuitive expression, we tap into our inner wisdom and connect with our authentic selves.

This process promotes self-awareness, emotional healing, and stress reduction. As we engage in SoulPages®, we cultivate a deeper understanding of ourselves, fostering self-acceptance and self-care.

By incorporating the SoulPages® method into our lives, we create space for joy, creativity, and self-expression. It empowers us to navigate life’s challenges with resilience and find balance amidst the demands of daily life.

The SoulPages® method invites us to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and offers a pathway to greater health, happiness, and well-being.

 Where and How?

  • This course will take place online on the Zoom platform
  • from October 24-March 25 .
  • We will meet in Tuesday for a live session on the zoom platform (8.00 am LA time)
  • All the lessons will be recorded and uploaded to the course content up to 24 hours later.
  • A close Facebook group where you can share your class work and get the attention and ideas of your peers class


The SoulPages® school staff

Rakefet Hadar

Artist,art therapist, Autour & Faounder of the SoulPages® Method  

Rakefet is an art therapist and writer. Rakefet developed the SoulPages™ method and the “Color Archetypes” method.

She published the book Layers of Meaning which sold thousands of copies in Israel and around the world.

Rakefet manages the SoulPages™ school for creative visual journaling and she certified mentors in the Soulpages™ method.

Iris Gal

Facilitates SP Facilitator training in Israel

I love to explore the connection between spirit and matter. For me, Soulpages became a powerful tool of expression and self-healing.

Through the connection to creation, passion, curiosity, and joy, I accompany myself and others into transformation and development.

Pam Hausner

Artist,SoulPages® Trainer, meditation teacher

Pam is a certified mindfulness meditation teacher that integrates mindfulness with creative experiences using mixed media for visually accessing personal insight.


Pam is also certified as a SoulPages® Mentor

Daniella Sarig

®Artist, SoulPages Trainer and Facilitator

Daniella is a certified SoulPages trainer and she focuses on Marketing strategies and ways of helping graduate find their true calling.

Daniella is a thriving artist in mixed media. She participated in numerous exhibitions and she loves to cooperate and work with different communities.

About me

Ten years ago, I discovered the Visual Journal and it changed my life. It brought me so much joy and reconnected me to a well of creativity that had been waiting to be revealed.

I developed the Soul Pages® method to help as many people as possible encounter the power of creation, to reconnect with their passion, joy and healing strengths.

My method is built upon seven simple elements – Intention, Magical Coincidence, Background, Image, Color, Line, and Text.

I teach my method in different ways: through trips I organize, online courses, and face-to-face workshops. I’ve also published two books “Layers of Meaning”, which consolidates all my knowledge on the SoulPages method and “Color Archetypes” which allows for so many self healing processes.


What will you get?

20 Live session on zoom with Rakefet Hadar or the SoulPages school staff

Two Private meetings with Rakefet or the school staff to help you during the course.

"Meet your inner Artist" course template to start teaching Immediately.

"Voice Dialogue" Technique course template !! with all the materials! So You could immediately start working with private clients and groups

Bonus 1-"memory Pockets" recorded course that you could start today!

Bonus 2 !! Journal binding course with seven different options to bind your journals.

Bonus 3- Recorded Marketing lesson for begginers

Five monthly small peer group meetings with one of the SoulPages Mentors


academic hours


Do you want to join our open event and share a meditation with me?

To join the open event where you will learn more about the Training and meet me and the other teachers, please fill in your details to receive all the info.

*The event will be on

 Sunday, July 7th at 13pm NY


You are also invited to join my English Facebook group where you can share your art, ask questions and be part of a thriving community.

Module 1

Meet your Inner artist

In these  Module the student will get familiar with the building block of visual journaling- the 7 elements, through working with very powerful inner work and activating the archetype of the Inner Artist.

This is the first course that you could teach after graduation. you will get all the templates so you could immediately start after graduation.

Module 2

Voice Dialogue Technique

In this module, we will learn about our inner parts. We all have the inner child, the good mother, the critic and many more inner Archetypes and symbols that create an inner Family or Comunity.

We will concentrate on the revolutionary Voice Dialogue technique that was created by Hal & Sidra Stone and incorporate creative art processes.

Module 3

The facilitator & The group

In this module, we will learn different theories of facilitating groups.

We will learn in a fun creative way- with short exercises, with family constellations and more.

We will get to know our strengths and how can we deal with difficult situations.

We will learn how to create a nourishing space for others.

  Module 4

Your Diamonds Mine

In this module we will dive in to discover all your strengths and learn how to create endless amazing processes that will influence others to grow and transform.

You will end this module with a plan of a Flag workshop that you could teach Immediately.

Frequently Asked Questions:



How do I know if SoulPages Facilitator training is right for me?

Ultimately, choosing to embark on SoulPages Facilitator training is a personal decision. Trust your intuition and align your interests and goals with the transformative potential of the program. It may be the right path for you if you are seeking personal growth, a deeper connection to your intuition, and a desire to make a positive impact on the lives of others through creative expression and self-discovery.

Do I need to be an artist? I don't feel like I'm very good at art or drawing.

No, you do not need to be an artist or have exceptional drawing skills to benefit from SoulPages Facilitator training. The beauty of the SoulPages method is that it focuses on self-expression and personal exploration rather than artistic perfection. It is designed to tap into your innate creativity and help you connect with your inner wisdom, regardless of your artistic abilities.

Would I learn how to create beautiful art, would I learn about materials and Techniques??

During the SoulPages Facilitator training, you will not only explore the depths of self-expression and personal growth but also acquire a wealth of knowledge on various materials and techniques. The program offers comprehensive guidance on the use of different art supplies, such as paints, papers, textures, and mixed media. You will learn how to experiment with these materials, discovering their unique qualities and how they can enhance your creative process.

Through hands-on practice and expert guidance, you will gain confidence in working with different artistic techniques. From collage and journaling to intuitive painting and mark-making, you will develop a versatile skill set that can be applied to your own SoulPages journey and shared with others as a facilitator.

The training also provides valuable insights into the symbolic language of art and the ways in which different colors, shapes, and textures can evoke emotions and convey meaning. You will learn how to harness these elements to deepen your self-exploration and support others in their healing and transformation.

What materials will I need?

You will be provided with a list of materials prior to any week’s live session. In general, you will want basic art supplies like watercolors, acrylics, inks, gesso, collage images, glue, scissors, brushes, waterproof pens, gel pens, markers, colored pencils, or even crayons. Remember, SoulCircle and the creation of SoulPages™ is not about making art as much as it is about the process of listening within your heart and creating something visual to further connect to your heart’s message.

If the teacher lists materials that you do not have and do not want to purchase, there are always alternatives that can be used. Just reach out to your teacher for suggestions on materials that you can substitute.

How long do the live sessions take?

Though the time may vary, you should allow for 3 hours for the live sessions.

Is there homework?

Sometimes you may want to continue working on your spread after the live session has ended. 

You will have homework only in the last module when you will prepare your flagship workshop.

You will be required to participate in a small peer group with a SoulPages Mentor, where you will get the chance to teach one lesson. This will ba a great way to practice in a safe environment.

What are the technology requirements?

You will want a good internet connection, camera and microphone. Most computers and laptops have this capability. You’ll also want decent lighting, so you’re not in shadow and we can see your smile.

Teachers will use overhead cameras so you can see them actively working on a spread, but as a SoulCircle member an overhead camera is not required.

Are there language requirements?

SoulPages is open to women from all backgrounds who are 18 years of age and older. All courses are conducted in English. It is helpful for SoulPages Facilitator training to have a conversational knowledge of English.

As a SoulPages Facilitator I could teach two of your courses- can I change them?

As a SoulPages Facilitator, you will get full training on how to work with groups and individuals with a set of 10 lessons (two complete courses)  that you could alter and change. These are lessons that you could use to your student’s benefit. You will be asked to use the Facilitator Logo when teaching these lessons.

Do you feel that SoulPages™ is calling you but you are also afraid of the commitment?

The SoulPages® Facilitator training is designed as a transformational course for acquiring tools of helping yourself, other individuals and small groups.

If you want to learn more about my method feel free to join one of my online courses, the HomeBook or Color Archetypes.

The SoulPages® training designed for you to go through a jpersonal journey

It will include limited spaces!

So if you have any question

Feel free to email me with any questions

*If you are from Australia, New Zealand, Europe, or Asia and prefer a course that will suit your time zone, please email me.

If there will be a demand, we will open another course in hours that are more convenient for you.


I want to join the open event!!

*The open event will be on

 Sunday, July 7th at 13pm NY


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